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Collecte solidaire de jouets : je les donne, je les sauve !

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Collecte solidaire de jouets :
je les donne, je les sauve !

For the second year running, the Académie de Versailles and Ecomaison are organizing a major toy drive for schools. 

The first edition was a resounding success: over 15 tonnes of toys were collected. This represents 60 collection bins over two months, and an average of 25kg of used or unused toys. Of these, 66% were repaired and then redistributed to children. A highly successful experiment that raised awareness among 50,000 schoolchildren and their parents.

This year, the collection will take place from November 20 to January 22, 2024, in primary and elementary schools in the Académie de Versailles. This second edition is an opportunity to deepen a global approach to sustainable development in schools, and to enable children to understand more easily how recycling works.

Toy drive in elementary school: a pedagogical approach

This gives schools the opportunity to get involved in an educational project on the reuse and recycling of toys and games, by developing an educational project on waste prevention and management, the fight against waste and solidarity. Educational resources are provided for this purpose, including an awareness-raising booklet for teachers and a communication kit to help children understand how the collection works.

This initiative also provides an opportunity for pupils to develop a wide range of learning skills from an early age:  

  • work on the citizen's path by arousing children's interest in an object they enjoy playing with;
  • develop skills of commitment and solidarity ;
  • start or deepen a global approach to sustainable development.
Toy bin

Practical information:

When? From November 20, 2023 to January 22, 2024
How? Ecomaison provides schools in the Académie de Versailles with collection bins where you can drop off your children's used or unused toys and games. 

Once the bins are full, they are collected by social economy organizations, whose mission is to restore the object to its original condition, so that it can be enjoyed by another child. If it can't be re-used, the toy is recycled.

What toys and games are collected?

All toys (figurines, building sets, board games, outdoor games, plush toys, toy cars, dolls, etc.) can be deposited in the collection bins.

Two pitfalls to avoid:

Don't bring battery-operated toys (remote-controlled cars, electronic robots, etc.), sports equipment or childcare items, as these are not collected. The recycling of these items is handled by other eco-organizations specialized in the management of such equipment.

Ecomaison toy drive poster