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The Parlons Literie collective and Ecomaison join forces to promote the second life of mattresses

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A certified eco-organization for the furniture sector for over 12 years, Ecomaison counts 90% of mattress and bedding manufacturers and distributors among its members. The Parlons Literie collective - which brings together over 60 players in the bedding market - and Ecomaison signed a partnership agreement on February 8, 2024. Our aim? To promote the environmental transformation of the sector and the second life of bedding, including mattresses.

Parlons Literie, the bedding expert for the general public

Choosing and maintaining bedding, discovering the latest innovations in comfort, and now, with the help of Ecomaison, learning about the second life of mattresses, comforters and pillows... On its eponymous website, the Parlons Literie collective informs consumers about these issues through factual, accessible and varied content.

It's also a question of keeping up with the necessary changes in a sector that has a lot at stake in terms of sustainable development. Part of the Parlons Literie website is devoted to explaining how mattresses are made, and with what materials... Important information for understanding the challenges of their second life.

Let's talk bedding

A decade of remarkable progress, with room for improvement

100 %

of mattresses were buried in 2012


of mattresses have had a second life since 2022

French advances in the treatment of used mattresses (recycling and energy recovery) over the last twelve years have made the bedding sector an example to the world. Yet innovation continues. Ecomaison works daily with researchers and manufacturers to increase recycling performance and accelerate the eco-design of mattresses. The partnership with Parlons Literie is part of this same dynamic, to promote the right gestures when the time comes for consumers to dispose of a mattress. The aim is to improve the collection process so that it is ever more environmentally-friendly. Better collection means that mattresses, even used ones, can more easily be given a second life.

Second life for comforters and pillows - it's possible!

Comforters and pillows are also benefiting from new, adapted solutions, to protect them as much as possible. For several years now, we have been working with local authorities to test collection bins specifically designed for these delicate items. In 2024, a new, smaller version of these containers, fitted with protective bags, will be deployed. For comforters and pillows, the best option is to entrust them to associations or social economy companies, which will sort them and put back into circulation those in good condition.

The Parlons literie collective federates bedding professionals

With over 60 members, Parlons Literie, with its wide range of partner brands, manufacturers and distributors, is a key player in mobilizing bedding industry professionals around recycling issues.

Helping professionals to comply with regulations and to innovate is at the heart of Ecomaison's project for this sector. We offer a wide range of services for taking back used mattresses, and create synergies between manufacturers and innovators to encourage eco-design of mattresses and the incorporation of recycled materials.

Ecomaison and Parlons Literie will be organizing joint communication events on the theme of the second life of mattresses, collection conditions, innovation in recycling and eco-design... For Parlons Literie, this partnership is an opportunity to raise awareness among its members and the public of issues linked to the environment and the circular economy.

Tracking new consumer habits

As an eco-organization, Ecomaison provides companies with advice and expertise on the markets for which it is approved. As part of its partnership with Parlons Literie, it will distribute to its members the results of the annual furniture barometer carried out with the Institut de Prospective et d'Études de l'Ameublement (IPEA), which now includes a larger section devoted to bedding. The aim of the survey, which we will be co-hosting with the Institute, is to gain a deeper understanding of household consumption habits, with a view to improving our prevention, collection and recycling solutions and services.

3.5 million

of mattresses collected in 2022

54 %

of the mass of a dismantled mattress is now recycled in a new product

Ecomaison, since 2023, has also been associated with Ameublement français, the professional organization of players in the manufacture of furnishings and the fitting out of living spaces. With Parlons Literie, we are strengthening our position as a privileged partner of industry professionals. We're also continuing to reach out to the general public, to explain the challenges of the circular economy ever more effectively.