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Eco-modulation applied to eco-taxes 

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Eco-modulation applied to eco-taxes

Eco-participation is the amount paid for each product sold to finance the collection, reuse and recycling of products and materials handled by Ecomaison. It is paid by companies that place products subject to recycling regulations on the French market. Ecomaison has set up a global eco-modulation system to reward eco-design initiatives and avoid the presence of recycling disruptors. To find out more.

A 3-part system

The scheme consists of 3 measures benefiting manufacturers and distributors: reduced prices and rebates based on :

  • Recyclability;
  • Service life ;
  • Sustainable resource management.

...and bonuses for :

  • Incorporation of recycled material ;
  • Spare parts available.

These advantages can be combined, with one exception: the recycling allowance cannot be combined with the bonus for incorporating recycled material.

The criteria are based on product and material characteristics. They are harmonized across all sectors and between eco-organizations within the same sector. The system is designed to be simple and objective.

A few examples of eco-modulations

For example, for a particleboard wardrobe. The basic eco-tax is €5.30. 

  • If it is fully recyclable, the reduced rate is €3.70. 
  • If recycled material is incorporated: an additional €0.20 premium is paid by Ecomaison; the equivalent net eco-tax is reduced to €3.50.   

Two options are available for PVC windows:

  • If the window is fully recyclable: reduced rate of €2. 
  • And if recycled material is incorporated: an additional €0.54 premium is paid by Ecomaison; the net eco-tax is lowered to €1.46. 
  • If the marketer takes back the windows himself: rebate of €1.60 per window taken back and recycled directly by the marketer. 

What's the timetable for implementation?

Eco-modulation is currently being implemented, with a tight timetable for 2024-2025. Variable by sector: furniture has a head start, followed by construction; games and toys and DIY gardening are being finalized. For these latter sectors, bonuses for the provision of spare parts have applied since the beginning of 2024. A new series of premiums will apply from July1, 2024 for furnishings and construction.  

Eco-modulation, a real financial lever for eco-design, should be fully effective by the end of 2025 for all Ecomaison sectors.

Eco-participation: Ecomaison gives consumers their say