Professionals We talk about it

Find all the latest news on the circular economy, new regulations, support for professionals in reuse, and collaborations around innovation.

As a committed player, Ecomaison initiates and shares developments in circularity to offer sustainable solutions that comply with the requirements of the AGEC law.

  • Collection Ecomaison Recycling Reuse

    New Ecomaison "worksite offer": giving a second life to building products and materials

    Ecomaison is launching a new offer to take back PMCB waste on site to help you recycle and reuse it. Building professionals, take advantage of this initiative to optimize the environmental performance of your projects! Promoting the recovery of building waste As building professionals, the efficient management of second-hand waste is a key factor in the success of your projects.

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  • Recycling

    The PEMD platform is online

    The PEMD (products, equipment, materials, waste) platform, developed by the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB), is now available to project owners and diagnosticians.

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  • Collection Ecomaison Recycling

    Building contractors: save money on site waste disposal!

    In partnership with Ecominéro, Ecomaison is launching a support scheme to develop the recycling of building materials. This new offer is aimed at craftsmen who sort and store their building waste on their premises. It takes the form of financial and/or operational support.

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  • Sorting instructions Regulations

    Furnishings: Ecomaison helps you think classic as well as unusual 

    Some furniture products don't always find their way to collection, reuse and recycling. And yet, they are part of the recycling chain! As a manufacturer or distributor, you are obliged to apply the legislation to all items covered by the Extended Producer Responsibility scheme. Ecomaison helps you take stock, so you don't forget anything.

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  • eco-modulation eco-design
    Innovation Regulations RATES

    Eco-modulation applied to eco-taxes 

    Eco-modulation applied to eco-participation rates Eco-participation is the sum paid for each product sold to finance the collection, reuse and recycling of products and materials handled by Ecomaison. It is paid by companies that place products subject to recycling regulations on the French market. Ecomaison has

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