Professionals We talk about it

Find all the latest news on the circular economy, new regulations, support for professionals in reuse, and collaborations around innovation.

As a committed player, Ecomaison initiates and shares developments in circularity to offer sustainable solutions that comply with the requirements of the AGEC law.

  • Regulations

    Multi-branch eco-organization: 4 reasons to join

    Are you a manufacturer or distributor of building products and materials (PMCB) looking to join an eco-organization to meet your new recycling obligations? Here are 4 good reasons to join Ecomaison, the multi-sector eco-organization

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  • Regulations

    PMCB EPR compliance: 5 things to do

    The new regulations on the recycling of construction products and materials (PMCB) will come into force in the next few days. Not ready yet? The EPR for the building industry will kick off on January 1, 2023.

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  • Recycling

    Reinventing the recycling of building materials

    This is Ecomaison's trademark. By putting the resource economy at the heart of our strategy, we want to turn the recycling obligation into a real opportunity for the building sector.

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  • Regulations

    Building eco-taxes finance recycling

    With the implementation of the regulation on the recycling of building products and materials (REP PMCB), marketers must pay an eco-participation fee for the recycling of their end-of-life products. What is eco-participation? How does it work? What does it finance? Here are the answers.

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  • Consult furniture market data

    La Boîte à Chiffres, our datavisualization service for furniture market data, has a new look! You can now consult furniture market figures and trends in a simplified way.

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  • Innovation

    Innovation Day, Ecomaison boosts eco-design

    Ecomaison is organizing the 4th Innovation Day in Paris on March 16 and 17, 2023. After 3 years dedicated to the furniture sector, Ecomaison is extending its innovation program to products and materials for DIY, gardening, construction, decorative textiles and toys. This year, some 200 participants are expected, including member manufacturers and distributors, as well as innovators selected from around the world by our experts.

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