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Reuse: you don't want it anymore? Give it away!

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Reuse: you don't want it anymore? Give it away!

While the mission of an eco-organization is to take charge of the end-of-life of waste, at Ecomaison we believe there are many ways to extend the useful life of household items by promoting the circular economy. Solidarity donation, with a view to reuse, is the solution. We explain why reuse is essential and how to take action.

Sorting without throwing: how to (re)use

Moving house or spring cleaning? There are many opportunities to part with your belongings, and just as many ways to do it.

It's good to give: let's give priority to re-use 

  • You're redecorating your apartment and the old corner sofa is out of place? It's in good condition, and you're wondering how to give it a second life? It's the right thing to do! The best option is to donate it for re-use. This helps to extend product life and preserve resources.
  • If you return it to an association or store, it can be reused. If you donate your old sofa to a social economy organization(SSE), it can be resold at a fair price, while supporting the activities of those who reuse them. A dual ecological and social benefit.
  • This donation approach applies to all your household items: furniture, toys, DIY and garden items, carpets and curtains... even building products and materials (parquet, tiles, joinery, etc.) can be reused! Don't forget to carefully deposit reusable items for donation.   

Access the geolocation map

You can use our geolocation map to find SSE partners near you by clicking on the "Donation" filter. & filter that appears on the map.

Partnerships to facilitate donations

  • To encourage reuse, we create local links between our retailer members and SSE players. On the one hand, retailers recover used products as part of their take-back service, while on the other, associations have access to a high-quality, local source of materials.