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Easily draw up your prevention and eco-design plan

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Easily draw up your prevention and eco-design plan

From identifying obstacles to implementing a structured eco-design plan, Ecomaison develops tools and services tailored to your needs. Here are the key steps not to be missed.

The legal framework

One of the provisions of the AGEC law requires manufacturers, industrialists and distributors to produce a prevention and eco-design plan every five years. This obligation is specified in article L541-10-12 of the AGEC law. This stipulates that " all producers are required to draw up and implement a prevention and eco-design plan with the aim of reducing the use of non-renewable resources, increasing the use of recycled materials, and increasing the recyclability of their products. ".

Producers are natural or legal persons acting in a professional capacity as :

  • Manufacturer;
  • Importer / Introducer ;
  • Seller under own name or own brand (private label) ;
  • Online product seller.

You have two options for meeting your obligations

1. Drawing up an individual prevention and eco-design plan:

By selecting the individual plan, you undertake to draw up and implement a set of actions reflecting your company's eco-design strategy. This plan must cover at least the design areas targeted by the law.

2. Select the prevention and eco-design plan common to the sector concerned:

By selecting the plan common to the sector concerned, you undertake to take into account and implement a set of actions shared by all players in the sector and validated by representatives of your profession. Prevention plans common to all EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) sectors can be accessed via the Espace-services, in your dedicated area.

Application timetable

Please submit your individual prevention and eco-design plan on theEspace-services or join the common plan for each sector concerned in your dedicated space, before the following date:

EPR streamsDeadlines
Textile furnishings and decorationsDecember 31, 2023
Games and toysJune 30, 2024
DIY and garden productsJune 30, 2024

A method and framework for drafting your prevention and eco-design plan

Together with Citeo, Ecosystem and Refashion, we have drawn up a structured common framework and a simple method to facilitate your approach. The aim is twofold: to disseminate best eco-design practices in each field of activity, and to provide you with a single plan framework for those of you who work in several fields.

The drafting framework proposed to you, in the form of a spreadsheet to fill in, takes up the design axes targeted by the law: increasing the integration of recycled materials, reducing the use of non-renewable materials, improvement and recyclability. You'll be guided step-by-step through the process.

Guide to drafting a prevention and eco-design plan

Ecomaison will help you draw up your individual plan, with a step-by-step guide to help you create your prevention and eco-design plan.

To comply fully with the AGEC Act, we recommend at least one action for each of the three areas targeted by Article 72, i.e. :

  • Increasing the use of recycled materials;
  • Reducing the use of non-renewable materials;
  • Improving product recyclability.

The framework also offers the possibility of going beyond the regulatory response, enabling you to plan and promote your voluntary commitments to a circular economy.

The Excel template :

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