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Collection and recycling performance: Ecomaison deploys material sorting at public drop-off centers

Ecomaison - the eco-organization approved by the public authorities for the collection, sorting, reuse and recycling of household objects and materials - is encouraging local authorities to install sorting bins for materials common to various Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) channels at public waste collection centers. The aim is to massify collection and improve recycling.

The Anti-Waste for a Circular Economy Act, also known as the AGEC Act, has given rise to new recycling channels (Extended Producer Responsibility - EPR), bringing the total number to 25. Ecomaison is approved for 4 of these: furniture (DEA), building products and materials (PMCB), DIY and garden items (ABJ) and toys (JJ), making Ecomaison a major player in the circular economy.

Move from a sorting-by-sector approach to a sorting-by-materials approach.

The multiplicity of channels and the limited space available at public drop-off centers led Ecomaison to rethink its collection strategy to optimize the space needed to sort these new products.

Ecomaison has 12 years' experience in the furniture sector, most of which has been collected at public drop-off centers using a single skip. Ecomaison now offers local authorities the possibility of installing one or more so-called "multi-channel" skips, to deploy three additional channels for which Ecomaison is accredited: building, DIY and garden items, and toys. This new concept involves moving away from sorting by channel to sorting by material.

Wood, moss, small objects: a container for everyone

Ecomaison can deploy up to 5 skips per depot for materials:

  • Wood
  • Plastics
  • Foams and textiles
  • Metals
  • Plaster

As well as collection racks for joinery and pallet boxes for small items (toys, DIY and garden items, textile decorations).

Ecomaison is proposing to local authorities a gradual roll-out of this new collection model, with priority given to installing a skip for wood (cabinets, doors, parquet, chairs, etc.), as this flow generates the largest volumes in the furniture and building sectors combined.

The logic of sorting by material favored by local authorities

90% of local authorities under contract with Ecomaison are in favor of introducing sorting by materials , and would like to install "multi-filter" skips at at least one of their drop-off centers. To date, Ecomaison has equipped 500 public drop-off centers, with a further 1,500 scheduled for installation by the end of the year.

Sorting by material makes it possible to massify the volumes collected andoptimize recycling performance. Indeed, when a material - wood, for example - is sorted "at source" - i.e. when it is thrown away - and is therefore not mixed with other materials such as plastics or foams, it can be directed directly to the recycling channel dedicated to it. Better sorted, materials are better recycled.