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Furnishings - New regulations and news

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EPR Furniture

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The French Anti-Waste for a Circular Economy Act (AGEC) regularly introduces new regulatory obligations for marketers, particularly those involved in EPR for furniture and textile decoration.

Discover your obligations and the associated Ecomaison solutions, developed for all our members.

Information on product recyclability

Consumers must be informed of environmental qualities or characteristics (recyclability, incorporation of recycled materials and hazardous substances) via a product data sheet.

Since January 1, 2024, you are concerned if :

  • Your cumulative annual sales for all products sold in all relevant sectors exceed €20 million;
  • And if your annual sales total 10,000 units of product in all the sectors concerned.

 List of sectors concerned:

  • Furnishings, including textile decorations
  • DIY and Garden products
  • Toys
  • Building Products and Materials for the Construction sector
  • Household packaging
  • Printed paper
  • Electrical and electronic equipment
  • Batteries and accumulators
  • Containers of chemical products.

Changes to the furniture price scale on January 1, 2024

The main changes in the 2024 price scale for furnishings and textile decorations are as follows:

  • Changes in reporting thresholds for quarterly filers ;
  • New codes for new materials;
  • The recoding of certain categories according to their dimensions.

A reminder about textile decoration elements:

All accessories in this product category are also affected by the display and collection of the eco-participation fee, for example:

  • Accessories for hanging sheers and curtains: rods, rod buttons, rings;
  • Decorative accessories: tiebacks, end caps ;
  • Or anti-slip carpet accessories.

Upholstered seats and sofas: launch of the Repair Bonus

The Bonus Réparation is a subsidy designed to encourage the French to have their furniture repaired, instituted by the AGEC law. Only Ecomaison-approved repairers will be able to pass on the benefits to their customers in spring 2024.

Do you know repairers? Do you have in-house expertise?

Prevention and eco-design plan

Since January 1, 2023, all marketers have been required to draw up and implement a prevention and eco-design plan, and communicate it to their eco-organization.

Find out more about the joint prevention and eco-design plan for furnishings, and all the other tools you need to comply, on our dedicated information page.