Press area Eco-mobilier optimizes the collection, sorting and preparation of Waste Furniture Elements (WFE)...

Eco-mobilier optimizes the collection, sorting and preparation of Waste Furniture Elements (WEEE)

The calls for tender launched in 2019 have enabled Eco-mobilier to implement a new operational scheme on January 1, 2020, which promotes the local development of WEEE recycling and recovery solutions. It also optimizes collection and transport routes.

By signing contracts of 2 to 6 years, Eco-mobilier has brought visibility to players in the preparation, recycling and recovery of WEEE, thereby encouraging innovation and the modernization of industrial sites.

Eco-mobilier is the eco-organization in charge of the collection, sorting and recycling of furniture, objects and furnishing elements.

"Eco-mobilier is aiming for ZERO waste by 2023, an ambitious goal that can only be achieved through the involvement of operators. The next five years depend on their ability to optimize the sorting, recycling and recovery of WEEE," explains Dominique Mignon, President of Eco-mobilier.

A new operational plan

Following calls for tender throughout 2019, Eco-mobilier has been able to implement a new operational scheme for the logistics and processing of waste furnishings.

The calls for tender covered services for the collection, sorting/gathering, preparation/recycling and recovery of end-of-life furnishings and decorative items. While collection had previously been organized by department, Eco-mobilier took advantage of the simultaneous end of the various contracts to review its operational scheme on a national scale.

To do this, Eco-mobilier used a modeling tool to analyze the responses and ensure that the new scheme was logistically optimized and complied with regulatory and technical constraints. Eco-mobilier studied over a hundred scenarios, determined their impact on the overall scheme, and identified the solution that would deliver the best technical and economic performance.

The contract awards were finalized at the end of 2019, and the new national operational scheme has been deployed since January 1, 2020.

More treatment sites, fewer kilometers travelled

To date, 170 logistics sites have been selected to receive Eco-mobilier WEEE skips. Spread across the country, these sites receive WEEE from thousands of drop-off centers and other collection sites under agreement with Eco-mobilier. The furniture is then massaged and sent for processing to selected sites, namely: 50 wood preparation sites, 7 mattress preparation sites, 3 plastic preparation sites, 15 mixed WEEE preparation sites and 19 sites that prepare combustible material (CSR).

The new scheme has reduced the average distance between collection points (drop-off centers, stores, etc.) and sorting centers by 25%, from 42 to 31 km. The average transport distance from the sorting center to the preparation center has been halved, from 143 km to 70 km.

"Reducing the distances covered by the used furniture collected was a major objective in the choice of processing sites. This not only reduces the carbon footprint of the industry, but also rationalizes transport costs. "says Dominique Mignon, President of Eco-mobilier.

Our partners

The new partners range from local, family-run businesses (16.6%) to regional groups and networks (29.2%) and national groups (54.1%), with geographical location being one of the key selection criteria.

To enable certain local players to modernize, mechanize and optimize their operations, Eco-mobilier offers contracts ranging from 2 to 6 years, guaranteeing the volumes and quality of products to be recycled over the coming years. 

Discover our optimized operating scheme: