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Eco-mobilier's ambition for the recycling of building products and materials

Dominique Mignon, President of Eco-mobilier, presents the eco-organization's project, which is seeking approval for the PMCB (building products and materials) sector under the AGEC (anti-waste for a circular economy) law.

"The first reason for Eco-mobilier's candidacy is its members. DIY stores, materials retailers and process panel manufacturers, in particular, are concerned by these new obligations to recycle construction products and materials. We aim to win the loyalty of these customers and complement our current services by offering a comprehensive, simple, multi-product solution. We are also targeting these distributors' customers, both private individuals and craftsmen.

Expanding our scope will enable us to massively increase collections, thereby offering a controlled economic and ecological cost to consumers, who pay for the recycling of their products through the eco-participation fee. Eco-mobilier is the leading supplier of recycled wood, recycled foam and also supplies recycled resins and textiles. Our aim is to capitalize on our strengths to the full.

For craftsmen, the key is proximity to the collection point. We rely on the largest network in France: 5,500 collection points and 3,600 public drop-off centers. Public drop-off centers open to craftsmen should no longer be the only collection points for craftsmen. We need to equip trade outlets and private drop-off centers to extend this network, so that by January 1, 2023, every craftsman will have a free collection point within 10 km of his worksite. Craftsmen will be provided with a map and a simple, informative geolocation application.

For wood, the massification of collection, already voluminous at Eco mobilier (750,000 tonnes in 2021), will optimize the operational scheme with sorting at source. It is in the interest of all players in the wood industry to rally around the project presented by Eco-mobilier, given the current tense climate for raw materials. By joining forces, they will be able to control the eco-participation fee and take possession of the recycled materials in order to control outlets and strengthen the industrial recycling strategy in France. Eco-mobilier already has the necessary network of operators, since we have 600 industrial partners.

Eco-mobilier has invested heavily in innovation and R&D in the field of eco-design using wood and foam. We are pursuing this commitment. This is important in the construction industry, where innovation in materials is very strong, and we have to keep up with the demands of companies and their customers.

Our ambition is to be self-sufficient in France in terms of recycling capacity, and for waste to be recycled as close as possible to where it is produced. These are logistical and carbon impact savings. It's a kind of ecological patriotism that I fully embrace.