Press area 530,100 tonnes of used furniture collected in 2017, recovered at over 93%: targets exceeded!...

530,100 tonnes of used furniture collected in 2017, recycled at over 93%: targets exceeded!

Paris, August 28, 2018 - In 2017, Eco-mobilier collected 530,100 tonnes of used furniture, 57% of which was recycled into new raw materials and 36% recovered as energy. Eco-mobilier once again exceeded the regulatory target of 80% of furniture recycled or recovered, set by the public authorities.
Whereas more than half of all used furniture was landfilled in 2011, in 5 years, the eco-organization has succeeded in setting up an effective operational scheme, bringing together all stakeholders, from furniture marketers to industrial operators, local authorities and social economy structures.
This very positive result now leads Eco-mobilier to aim for zero landfill of used furniture by 2023.

More and more collection solutions for used furniture

At the end of the first approval period, the French have access to 4038 collection points dedicated to used furniture. Contracts signed with local authorities cover 9 out of 10 inhabitants. They also have access to 2,394 dedicated used-furniture collection bins set up by Eco-mobilier's service providers at public drop-off centers.
They can also donate their used furniture to the 391 collection points operated by Eco-mobilier's partner associations and integration companies involved in reuse.
Voluntary distributors and professionals also offer 1,253 collection points throughout France.
Thanks to this strengthened network and everyone's commitment, these 4038 collection points, representing a 33% increase on 2016, collected over 530,100 tonnes in 2017, an increase of almost 45% on 2016.
As a result, the collection handled by Eco-mobilier exceeded half the tonnages of discarded furniture in France.

Furniture reuse, recycling and recovery results exceed targets

Thanks to the performance of the operational scheme set up by Eco-mobilier with transport and processing operators, the 80% target set by the public authorities has been exceeded, with a 93% recovery rate, including 57% recycling.
The important role of social and solidarity economy structures should also be highlighted. In 2017, they took charge of more than 50,000 tonnes of donated furniture, to be refurbished and resold at solidarity prices.

For Dominique Mignon, Eco-mobilier's Managing Director: "The commitments made 5 years ago have been
met, with more than 530,100 tonnes of used furniture collected at the end of 2017, 93% of which was recovered or recycled. Our determination can be summed up by the desire to go further together. As a
fully-fledged player in the circular economy, we are committed to federating all stakeholders, furniture distributors and manufacturers, local authorities, industrial operators, structures from
the social and solidarity economy and all citizens around our raison d'être: the end of
landfilling used furniture."

Innovative partnerships and actions to accelerate the circular economy

In order to engage all stakeholders in this shared goal of zero landfill, Eco-
mobilier is multiplying actions for exchange and innovation.

By way of example, more than 600 animations were organized in stores in 2017 as well as at trade fairs and shows, to "bring the recycling experience" to consumers, via a
virtual reality film on furniture recycling. These events will be repeated in 2018 to
continue raising awareness among the general public about recycling their furniture.

On the operational front, Eco-mobilier has stepped up its actions and partnerships to bring out and support innovative projects that serve the circular economy. Eco-mobilier has thus launched a call for
projects entitled "Eco-innovation Challenge", which aims to unite players around
the use of recycled raw materials, in 2017 on foams, in 2019 on wood, with the aim of increasing outlets for this type of material.