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Develop re-use with second-hand, a win-win solution

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Develop re-use with second-hand, a win-win solution

Reuse is an effective way of giving a second life to used objects and products. To promote it, the AGEC law regulates the management of your unsold goods and the take-back of your customers. Okay, but how? And with whom? Ecomaison can help you organize your business.

Working together to re-use

As with all stages in the manufacture and distribution of your products, surround yourself with qualified professionals.


Ecomaison has forged partnerships with over 550 associations in the social economy sector. They all have specific know-how in the field of re-use. They transport, sort and recondition the unsold and used goods you've collected. Ecomaison helps you build the right partnerships for your business. We can put you in touch with suitable associations in your area.

Once your partnership agreement has been signed, these associations take charge of collecting the products and objects that concern them, using their own logistical resources. By entering into this partnership or partnerships, you meet your new obligations while supporting the Social Solidarity Economy.

Objectif réemploi: my checklist

To guarantee a second life for products and materials placed on the market, their collection must be carried out under the best possible conditions.

  • DIY, garden, toys: I equip myself with suitable containers for the items customers bring back. Find out more about Ecomaison collection solutions.
  • I check that my containers are correctly installed, so as not to damage the objects they contain. For example, I raise them on pallets to keep them out of the reach of washing machines.
  • I regularly empty the containers intended for customers, before they become overloaded.
  • I make my teams aware of the need to handle products without risking damaging them.
  • I check with my partner association that the transport containers are suitable. I don't hesitate to use delivery boxes for small items.
Solidarity players

Donate your unsold goods on the donation platform

Are your unsold goods eclectic, your volumes irregular, or have you simply not yet forged a long-term partnership? SSE structures come to you thanks to the Plateforme du don, created by Ecomaison.

This service enables you to easily make available your unsold products, as well as your mismatched parcels, spare parts (screws, boards, etc.), after-sales returns and even your display models. It's an effective way of giving your products a second life, while promoting solidarity-based re-use.

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