Home > Distributors and manufacturers

Distributors and manufacturers

Manufacturers, distributors, importers, marketplaces... you place new home products on the French market: furnishings, bedding, textile decoration, toys, DIY and garden articles, building products and building materials.

The regulations governing Extended Producer Responsibility - in other words, the law on reuse and recycling - therefore apply to your business.


Joining and declaring eco-participation

Knowing the regulations

Organizing the trade-in

Information and training 

Innovation and eco-design

Expand your business with repairs

Declare your product launches

All your information (accounts, contacts, establishments, users) and the declaration services provided by Ecomaison are grouped together in your member area.

So you can code your products, prepare your declarations and find the right eco-tax amounts.

Declaring new products on the market

Headline news

  • Regulations

    The building sector: who are the marketers concerned?

    Marketers are companies subject to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). But how do you know if you are? Whether you're a manufacturer, distributor, importer or online seller of construction products and materials, you're certainly concerned by EPR for the building industry!

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  • Regulations

    Multi-branch eco-organization: 4 reasons to join

    Are you a manufacturer or distributor of building products and materials (PMCB) looking to join an eco-organization to meet your new recycling obligations? Here are 4 good reasons to join Ecomaison, the multi-sector eco-organization

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  • Regulations

    PMCB EPR compliance: 5 things to do

    The new regulations on the recycling of construction products and materials (PMCB) will come into force in the next few days. Not ready yet? The EPR for the building industry will kick off on January 1, 2023.

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Need to contact us?

  • From Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, our advisors are on hand to answer all your questions: call them on 0811 69 68 70 (5cts per call + cost per call).