Professionals Your role You repair Be a certified repairer...

With Ecomaison, certification is free and easy. As soon as you're certified, you can distribute bonuses to your customers, and receive reimbursement from Ecomaison for this advance. You'll also be listed in the national Ecomaison directory.

Find out more about the procedure, your obligations and how
reimbursement works.

Ecomaison certification

By becoming a certified repairer, you can pass on the Repair Bonus to your customers
Applying for certification is free, quick and easy. All you need to do is present your company or association and demonstrate your skills and experience. 

Ecomaison ensures your visibility by listing you in our repair directory. 

A label open to all players

Any structure invoicing repairs carried out by a professional
can claim the Bonus and apply for certification.



SSE companies




Distributors and manufacturers: Three ways to get involved

Ecomaison offers different ways for you to get involved:

  • Become a "Promoter "*: Your store does not offer repair services, but refers customers to the Ecomaison directory of approved repairers. They choose a repairer near their home. The transaction is between the repairer and the consumer.
  • Become a "Prescriber" : Your store advises your customers about partner repairers who have the Ecomaison label. Here again, the transaction takes place between the customer and the repairer. Encourage your partners to apply for the Ecomaison label! 
  • Become a "Certified Repairer": Your store offers the repair service directly. You invoice the repair and give your customers the Repair Bonus. Repairs can be carried out by you or by a subcontractor. Not yet certified? Apply for certification now!

*Promoting the existence of the Repair Bonus has been a regulatory obligation for distributors since July 1, 2024.

If you'd like to become an Ecomaison-certified repairer, find out more about our certification process at
. It's quick and easy!

A 3-stage certification process

Let us guide you: step by step, you'll present your company to us, demonstrating your skills and experience.

With the first rays of spring sunshine showing their face, it's the perfect time to get your garden ready!

And that's it! You've been awarded the Ecomaison label and are listed in our directory of approved repairers. You can now offer your customers the Repair Bonus.

By becoming an Ecomaison-labeled repairer, you agree to respect a charter of commitments that includes :

  • Guaranteed repairs for at least 6 months
  • Inform your customers about your rates and bonuses
  • Accept Ecomaison repair audits

How can I get my Repair Bonus refunded?

The Repair Bonus is a lump-sum payment of up to 20% of the repair cost. It is deducted directly from the invoice sent to your customer. Ecomaison then pays you this amount within 15 days.

The bonus is repaid in 3 stages:

As an Ecomaison-labeled repairer, carry out an eligible repair and apply the bonus immediately to your invoice. This reduces the cost of the repair for your customer.

With the first rays of spring sunshine showing their face, it's the perfect time to get your garden ready!

All requests validated by our teams are reimbursed every 15 days.

Find out more about the documents you need to provide to Ecomaison to obtain a refund.

Consult the repairer's guide :

How to show the Repair Bonus on your invoice

In order to benefit your customer and obtain reimbursement, you must comply with certain mandatory billing rules:

  • The name of the company certified by Ecomaison
  • The name and postal code of the beneficiary customer
  • A description of the repair eligible for the Repair Bonus
  • Application of the Bonus in the form of a reduction on the price inclusive of tax
  • The SIRET number of the company certified by Ecomaison

The description of the eligible repair and its amount (in the form of a reduction on the price inclusive of tax) must appear on your invoice.