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Storage methods for everyone

Tidying up can be complicated when you don't know how. Sometimes, even the few tidying methods you know and the KonMari method don't work for you... So how do you go about organizing your living space?

"Why can't I follow the tips for keeping a tidy house?"

57% of French

tend to accumulate everything at home, according to a study by Sociovision.

If you're one of them, you simply haven't found the right storage method.

There are many different methods of tidying up, so it's important to find the one that's right for you. Once you do, you'll no longer be one of the 27% of French people who find tidying up an ordeal. 

To help you, here are a few... 

1 - Marie Kondo's KonMari method

The famous one. This Japanese method recommends keeping only what really makes you happy, in order to declutter your home. If you don't really see the point of sorting and getting rid of your furniture and objects, you should know that 46% of French people say that this step brings a breath of fresh air.

2 - The 5S method

We're staying in Japan with this method based on 5 Japanese verbs: 

  •  "Seiri" (to get rid of): the first thing to do is to get rid of the superfluous, objects and furniture that are no longer of use to you.
  •  "Seiton" (tidy up): then assign a thoughtful place to those you choose to keep. 
  •  "Seiso" (clean): once everything is sorted and put away, it's time to clean up!
  •  "Seiketsu" (maintaining order): sorting, tidying and cleaning once is all well and good, but it's important to maintain the space in that state. To achieve this, the Seiketsu step recommends adopting a simple cleaning routine like that of the Fly Lady method.
  •   "Shitsuke" (be rigorous): follow the previous 4S regularly and in the right order.

3 - The Fly Lady method 

Unlike Mari Kondo, who advises a big clean, Marla Cilley wants to avoid it. Instead, she relies on a household routine that will reduce the time spent on major cleaning. In this routine, she gives a few simple daily gestures such as : 

  • Avoid limescale build-up in your sink or shower enclosure by wiping it down after use.
  • Get dressed every morning (shoes included) so you're always "in the thick of things", without being tempted to take a "sofa break" that could drag on forever. 
  • Put an object away as soon as you've finished using it, and don't take out more than you can put away in an hour.
  • Focus on one goal at a time
  • Devote a few minutes a day to tidying up a room: to help you do this, we give you a few tips in our "30 min pour mieux ranger" articles, which you can find right here.
  • Finally, Marla Cilley recommends using a notebook as a diary to record what you need to do, when you need to do it, and what you've accomplished. 

The most important thing in this method is your personal well-being, so it also encourages you to take time for yourself, laugh, smile, be cheerful... 

4 - The Zen to Done method

In his blog "Zen Habits", Léo Babauta shares 10 habits that he believes help improve organization and productivity while remaining perfectly zen (or almost).

  1. Write down the ideas you have for improving your daily routine and tasks. 
  2. Carry out the daily tasks listed in this notebook without putting them off.
  3. Schedule weekly, one-off or important tasks at the start of the day to ensure they are completed on time.
  4. Concentrate on one task at a time so you don't lose sight of it. 
  5. Make lists.
  6. Follow a routine of small daily gestures after using each object.
  7. Regularly check what you've done and what you still have to do to keep track of your checklist.
  8. Free up your schedule so that you can focus on the essentials and soothe yourself.
  9. Stick to your established routines.
  10. Make all your tasks fun, with rewards for completing them.

5 - The Swedish death cleaning method

Margareta Magnusson's method is similar to Marie Kondo's: it's all about sorting out your home. However, whereas the Japanese method prefers objects that make you happy, her Swedish cousin prefers to keep objects that make life easier. This method is based on a local custom of keeping only the essentials as one approaches one's final days. This way, loved ones don't have to clear out a huge pile of belongings once they're gone.

But adopting this habit earlier is actually a good way of keeping your home tidy. It's akin to minimalism, which allows you to declutter your home and avoid the accumulation of unnecessary things. What's more, Margareta Magnusson explains that separating yourself from the unnecessary makes for a better, more serene life.

6 - The 7 needs method

Let's end with a French tidying method validated by Mari Kondo herself... 

Established by Véronique Lebon, it also encourages us to part with the superfluous and keep only those objects that serve 7 important needs:

  • The need for information: books, newspapers and magazines, paper, mail... 
  • The need for entertainment: TV, consoles, toys, board games... 
  • Clothing needs: clothes, shoes and accessories
  • Emotional needs: objects and furniture with sentimental value
  • Physiological needs (food): food, household appliances, dishes... 
  • Maintenance needs: household products, hygiene products... 
  • Immaterial needs: e-mails, photos and administrative documents on the computer...

Once sorted, each item is assigned a place. 

To each his own tidying method

The best way to find the storage method that's right for you is to try out several. Then you'll find the one that keeps your home tidy and your mind light. Don't give up - tidying up is essential to your well-being: 87% of French people say they feel better after tidying up. So, if you're one of the 69% who want to declutter their home to make it tidier, keep up your efforts and you'll get there in the end!

Storage methods