Collecte Solidaire: Parisians, give new life to your unused toys, clothes, shoes and household linen!
Eco-organizations Ecomaison and Refashion are joining forces with the City of Paris to organize a solidarity collection of toys, clothing, shoes and household linen in collaboration with Emmaüs Défi. This first edition will take place in Paris from September 25 to July 2024.
Back-to-school is the perfect time to adopt good habits by making space in your home and saying goodbye to unused, damaged or broken items! To help you do just that, the City of Paris and the eco-organizations Ecomaison and Refashion have joined forces to launch an unprecedented collection campaign for used toys, clothes, shoes and household linen.
Organization of the solidarity drive
From September 2023 to July 2024, Parisians will be able to drop off items they want to get rid of at a dozen locations, including arrondissement town halls.

Two kiosks will be set up: one collecting toys, board games, puzzles, dolls, building sets and outdoor games.
In the other terminal, textiles are deposited in closed bags and sorted by type: clothing, footwear and household linen.
Emmaüs Défi, a partner in the operation, will then be in charge of collecting the various collections and sorting the toys and clothes. Depending on their condition, they will be cleaned, repaired and given a new look, before being resold at a fair price.
If the items collected are torn, broken or unusable, they will be taken in charge by the eco-organizations for recycling, rather than being burned or buried with other household waste, which cannot be recycled.
Find out where to collect
- Quartier Jeune PARIS, 4 place du Louvre, 75001 Paris ;
- Académie du Climat, 2 place Baudoyer, 75004 Paris ;
- Mairie du 8ème arrondissement, 56, Boulevard Malesherbes, 75008 Paris ;
- Maison de la Vie Associative et Citoyenne du 8ème arrondissement, 28 rue Laure Diebold, 75008 Paris ;
- Maison de la Vie Associative et Citoyenne du 9ème arrondissement, 54, rue Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, 75009 Paris ;
- Center Paris Anim' Jacques Bravo, 14-18, rue de la Tour des Dames, 75009 Paris ;
- Center Paris Anim' Valeyre, 24, rue Marguerite de Rochechouart, 75009 Paris ;
- Mairie du 11ème arrondissement, Place Léon Blum, 75011 Paris ;
- L'espace parisien des solidarités (EPS),4th floor of the Mairie du 17ème arrondissement, 16-20 rue des Batignolles, 75017 Paris;
- Center Paris Anim' Interclub, 47, rue de Saussure - 75017 Paris ;
- Mairie du 20ème arrondissement, 6 place Gambetta, 75020 Paris ;
To help you sort out your belongings, follow our advice in our article on tidying up.
Ecomaison is proud to co-organize this collection with its partners. Useful for everyone, it is also an opportunity to raise awareness of the need to extend the lifespan of objects, and to encourage people to adopt an excellent habit: donating!