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Inform your customers about the right way to sort waste

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Inform your customers about the right way to sort waste

You've probably heard of TRIMAN? The logo affixed to products to inform consumers of sorting rules? The French Anti-Waste for a Circular Economy Act (AGEC) requires manufacturers to display detailed sorting instructions for all new products subject to recycling. The advantage? Better sorted, the materials making up the product are better recycled! Ecomaison explains all.

What does this sorting information consist of?

The TRIMAN sign has been in place since 2015 for all products subject to a recycling channel (extended producer responsibility). The TRIMAN logo has recently been supplemented by sorting instructions to provide consumers with clear, practical and detailed information on how to sort their waste. Properly sorted, used products can be given a second life.

Where to place this information?

It's simple: as close to the product as possible! 

Even if this information is available on your website, you need to make sure it's also in the hands of the consumer, as soon as they make their purchase or delivery.

The aim: to make this signage practical and encourage action.

Position TRIMAN as close as possible to the product!

Whenever possible, use the TRIMAN block directly on the item. As you know, customers don't keep their packaging indefinitely. An incentive to reuse that's still visible under a tabletop is just one more chance to extend its useful life!

What if there's no room?

Whatever the size of the product, TRIMAN must be displayed. However, solutions are available for smaller items, such as gift toys, or small DIY tools like screwdrivers.

  • Surface area between 10 cm2 and 20 cm2: the TRIMAN can be dematerialized, but must still be affixed.
  • Surface less than 10 cm2: TRIMAN can be dematerialized.
  • For cylindrical or spherical products or packaging, the 10 and 20 cm2 surface areas have been increased to 20 and 40 cm2.

What if a product is made up of elements with several sorting rules?

This is often the case. For example, a plush toy with a battery pack. In such cases, TRIMAN must provide explicit information for sorting each item concerned.

Get TRIMAN signage

To download TRIMAN signage, you must first complete this brief questionnaire. This will enable us to check that you meet the requirements for using this sign. If so, Ecomaison will provide you with the files you need to apply the sign.

What's the timetable for TRIMAN?

TRIMAN has been displayed since 2015. It is gradually being extended to objects and products covered by a new recycling channel. Furniture, bedding, toys and DIY and garden items must now display a TRIMAN sorting instruction. However, construction products and materials for the building industry are not yet covered.

The steps involved in implementing TRIMAN signage are common to all sectors:

  • Presentation of proposals to partners and public authorities;
  • Validation of marking by public authorities on products placed on the market ;
  • 12-month implementation period for affixing;
  • Stock disposal period of 6 months, after the end of the implementation period. This additional period is only valid for certain sectors.

For furniture products (excluding textile decorative items), the regulation applies from December 15, 2022. Since then, the TRIMAN must be displayed except for products that meet the following two conditions:

  • The product was manufactured or imported before December 15, 2022;
  • The manufacturer or importer has sold this product before June 15, 2023.

For toys and DIY and garden products, the regulations apply from December 6, 2023. After this date, TRIMAN must be displayed except for products that meet the following two conditions:

  • The product was manufactured or imported before December 6, 2023;
  • The manufacturer or importer sold this product before June 6, 2024.

For textile decoration items, the regulations apply from August 25, 2023. After this date, the TRIMAN must be displayed except for products that meet the following two conditions:

  • The product was manufactured or imported before August 25, 2024;
  • The manufacturer or importer sold this product before August 25, 2024.

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