
Furniture, Building, DIY,
Garden, Toys: choose
, a multi-sector eco-organization!

Whether you're a manufacturer, distributor or importer,
benefit from a global solution to meet your regulatory
reuse and recycling obligations

Ecomaison, reuses and recycles
household objects and materials

Find out about local collection points where you can
donate or recycle unwanted items

Ecomaison geolocation map

Become an Ecomaison-certified

Boost your visibility, increase your appeal and
grow your business by becoming an Ecomaison-certified

Furniture repair
  • Who are we?


    Created in 2011 - then under the name Eco-mobilier - by 24 French furniture distributors and manufacturers, Ecomaison is now made up of 68 shareholders from the furniture, bedding, DIY, garden, toy and building sectors.

    All these actions are made possible thanks to eco-participation, a contribution that applies when a new product is purchased. The sums paid to Ecomaison finance all services and solutions for reuse, collection, transport, recycling and innovation.

    Our ambition: to achieve zero waste!

    Your needs, our solutions

    Manufacturers, distributors, marketplaces, retailers, craftsmen, professionals welcoming the public, operators, local authorities, solidarity players, innovators and private individuals: discover our services, solutions and partnership schemes. Together, let's improve recycling for furniture, building products and materials, DIY and garden items, toys and outdoor games.

    Headline news

    • Collection Ecomaison Recycling Reuse

      New Ecomaison "worksite offer": giving a second life to building products and materials

      Ecomaison is launching a new offer to help you recycle and reuse on-site waste. Building professionals, take advantage of this initiative to optimize the environmental performance of your projects! Promoting the recovery of building waste As building professionals, the efficient management of your waste represents a major challenge.

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    • Collection Ecomaison Recycling

      Building contractors: Save money on site waste disposal!

      In partnership with Ecominéro, Ecomaison is launching a support scheme to develop the recycling of building materials. This new offer is aimed at craftsmen who sort and store their building waste on their premises. It takes the form of financial and/or operational support.

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